Ranking Member Press

February 2020
Enzi: Expired Programs Cost Govt. Hundreds of Billions of Dollars
January 2020
New CBO Budget Outlook Shows Dramatically Higher Long-Term Debt and Deficits
New GAO Report Shows Trust Funds on Unsustainable Course
Senate Budget Committee Approves Trade Legislation
December 2019
New Scorekeeping Report Continues Focus on Fiscal Transparency in Congress
November 2019
WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING: Bipartisan Budget Process Reform Legislation
Senate Budget Committee Approves Historic Bipartisan Budget Reforms
October 2019
Senators Enzi and Whitehouse Offer Bipartisan Reforms to Fix Broken Budget Process
Chairman Enzi: Better Financial Management Will Lead to Better Budgets
Joint Statement from Chairman Enzi and Ranking Member Womack Opposing H.R. 2440
Chairman Enzi: Soaring Deficits Show Our Fiscal Path is Unsustainable
Chairman Enzi: Pension Bailout Would Leave Taxpayers Holding the Fiscal Bag
Enzi: Scorekeeping Reports Will Foster Fiscal Transparency in Federal Spending Process
September 2019
Enzi: America’s Fiscal Path is Unsustainable
August 2019
Enzi: Growth in Spending Continues to Outpace Revenue
Enzi Questions NASA on Ballooning Costs for Major Space Programs
July 2019
Enzi Releases Ideas to Fix Broken Congressional Budget and Spending Process
Bipartisan Group of Senators Push White House Budget Office to Publish Comprehensive List of Federal Programs
June 2019
Enzi Warns Surging Federal Debt Puts Nation at Risk of Fiscal Crisis
Enzi: Securing Nation’s Fiscal Future Begins by Fixing the Broken Budget Process
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