Ranking Member Press

July 2023
Grassley At Hearing On Social Security: ‘We’re Finally Talking About Money & Things The Budget Committee Ought To Be Working On’
June 2023
CBO: Projected Record Debt Per Capita Threatens Economic Growth
Grassley, Whitehouse Recognized For Shining Light On Nazi-Linked Accounts At Credit Suisse
Grassley Discusses Precision Ag, Biogas with Iowa Witnesses
May 2023
Grassley, Republican Colleagues Demand to See Spending and Budget Reform Before Raising the Debt Limit
April 2023
Grassley Opening Remarks at Hearing on Tax Revenue and Dodging
Credit Suisse Maintained Nazi-Linked Accounts into 21st Century, Subpoenaed Records Show
March 2023
Grassley Statement at Hearing on "The Cost of Oil Dependence"
Biden’s Budget Brings More Taxes, More Debt, Less Opportunity, Fewer Resources For Essential Government Services
A Month Late and Trillions Short: Biden’s Budget Charts Unsustainable Course on Federal Spending
Grassley Statement at Hearing on "Rising Seas, Rising Costs"
February 2023
Grassley Statement and Fast Facts on Budget and Economic Outlook
Grassley Statement on Biden’s Missed Budget Deadline
August 2022
Graham Statement on Biden Signing Bill that Increases Taxes, Worsens Inflation, Supersizes IRS
Graham Statement on House Dems Voting to Increase Taxes, Worsen Inflation, Supersize IRS
Graham Statement on July Inflation
Graham on Democrats Voting to Increase Taxes, Worsen Inflation
Graham Introduces Amendment to Eliminate Dems’ Gas Tax
Manchin-Schumer "...is a complete fraud."
CBO Confirms to Graham: Dems’ “Inflation Reduction Act” Won’t Reduce Inflation
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