Ranking Member Press


Overview of Senate Democratic Budget Resolution

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925Democrats’ Budget Plan Would Strengthen America and Safeguard Our Future Summary The Senate Democratic budget resolution for fiscal year 2003 faces up to the challenges of strengthening America and safeguarding our future. • Strengthening homeland security. The plan provides all of the resources requested by the President for homeland security. • Building our national defense. The plan ens… Continue Reading


Committee Again Rejects Suspension of Budget Enforcement Mechanisms

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE AGAIN REJECTS SUSPENSION OF BUDGET ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS Conrad Calls on Senate to Defeat Measure When it Comes to FloorWashington, DC - The Senate Budget Committee today, by a 22 to 0 vote, has again rejected the suspension of budget enforcement mechanisms. As it did last November, the Budget Committee has sent a joint resolution to the Senate floor calling for th… Continue Reading


Statement by Daschle, Conrad, and Levin on CBO Report on Missile Defense

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, January 31, 2002Contact: Ranit Schmelzer (Daschle) (202) 224-2939 Stu Nagurka (Conrad) 224-7436 Tara Andringa (Levin) (202) 224-6221STATEMENT BY SENATORS DASCHLE, CONRAD, AND LEVIN ON THE NEW CBO REPORT SHOWING THAT NATIONAL MISSILE DEFENSE COULD COST OVER $150 BILLIONFollowing is a statement from Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, and Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin regarding the CBO's new cost estimat… Continue Reading


Budget Committee Chairman Seeks Return to Fiscal Discipline

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SEEKS RETURN TO FISCAL DISCIPLINE Conrad: Long-Term Budget Outlook Worsened by Bush Tax CutWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-ND, today said the sharp drop in the projected surplus - caused largely by the Bush tax cut - poses a serious threat to the nation’s long-term budget outlook and its ability to meet the retirement and hea… Continue Reading


Conrad Welcomes Fed Chairman's Call for Trigger Mechanism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-0642SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN WELCOMES FED CHAIRMAN’S CALL FOR TRIGGER MECHANISM Conrad: Trigger Could Help Restore Long-Term Fiscal DisciplineWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today welcomed Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s suggestion that Congress should implement some sort of trigger mechanism to limit tax and spending initiatives in light of deple… Continue Reading


Bush Sends Nation Back Into Deficits

EMBARGOED UNTIL 10:00 AM January 23, 2002Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925BUSH SENDS NATION BACK INTO DEFICITS CBO Projects $4.0 Trillion Drop in Surplus and Deficits for Next Two YearsWashington, DC - The Congressional Budget Office today released new projections showing a $4.0 trillion drop in the surplus and confirming that the nation will face deficits for the next two years. The new budget figures, released by CBO Director Dan Crippen in testimony before … Continue Reading


Committee Rejects Suspension of Budget Enforcement Mechanisms

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 8, 2001 Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925 SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE REJECTS SUSPENSION OF BUDGET ENFORCEMENT MECHANISMS Conrad Urges Senate to Defeat Fiscally Irresponsible Measure Washington, DC - The Senate Budget Committee has rejected the suspension of budget enforcement mechanisms for the next two years. As required by the Balanced Budget Act, the Committee has sent a joint resolution to the Senate floor, but the Committee, vo… Continue Reading


Conrad Warns Against Abandoning Long-term Discipline as Stimulus Considered

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 25, 2001 Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925 SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN CONRAD WARNS AGAINST ABANDONING LONG-TERM FISCAL DISCIPLINE AS CONGRESS CONSIDERS STIMULUS BILL Washington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today stressed the importance of maintaining long-term fiscal discipline as Congress considers legislation to stimulate the economy. Conrad's remarks came as the Budget Committee heard testimony at a … Continue Reading


Conrad Calls for Short-term Stimulus to be Coupled with Long-term Discipline

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 2, 2001 Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925 SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN CONRAD CALLS FOR SHORT-TERM STIMULUS PLAN TO BE COUPLED WITH LONG-TERM FISCAL DISCIPLINE Washington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today said that any short-term stimulus plan must be matched with long-term budgetary restraint. Conrad?s remarks came as the Budget Committee heard testimony on the nation?s economic outlook from Glenn Hubb… Continue Reading


Conrad Calls on Bush for Plan to Protect Soc. Sec. & Medicare Trust Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 6, 2001 Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925 SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN CALLS ON BUSH ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE PLAN TO PROTECT SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE TRUST FUNDS Conrad: Bush Budget Wipes Out Surplus; Threatens Trust Funds Washington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) today called on the Bush Administration to provide a plan to protect the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. Conrad's reque… Continue Reading


Conrad Warns of Long-term Damage from President Bush's Budget and Tax Plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 4, 2001 Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642 SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN WARNS OF LONG-TERM DAMAGE FROM PRESIDENT BUSH'S BUDGET AND TAX PLAN Conrad: CBO August Update Confirms Bush Plan Never Added Up Washington, DC - One week after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued its report about the vanishing budget surplus and just hours after members of Congress returned from their August recess, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conr… Continue Reading


Chairman Conrad Says Social Security Reform Endangered by Bush Tax Cut

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 2, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka (202) 224-7436 Steve Posner (202) 224-7925SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN SAYS SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM ENDANGERED BY BUSH TAX CUT Conrad: Resources Needed for Reform No Longer Available; Trust Fund Surpluses at RiskWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today said that the Bush tax cut has endangered the prospects for Social Security reform by wiping out resources that should have been used to fund transition c… Continue Reading


Conrad Calls on Administration To Explain How It Plans to Pay for Defense Increase

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642CONRAD CALLS ON BUSH ADMINISTRATION TO EXPLAIN HOW IT PLANS TO PAY FOR DEFENSE INCREASE WITHOUT USING MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUNDSWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today called on the Bush Administration to explain how it plans to pay for its requested increase in defense spending without using the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds. Conrad's remarks came as t… Continue Reading


Conrad Seeks Admin.'s Plan to Avoid Raiding Medicare & Soc. Security Trust Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 12, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIR SEEKS ADMINISTRATION'S PLAN TO AVOID RAIDING THE MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUNDS Conrad: Bush Tax Cut & Economic Downturn Causing RaidWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today invited the Bush Administration to present its plan on how it intends to avoid raiding the Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds next year and the years beyond. Co… Continue Reading


Shrinking Budget Surplus Threatens Medicare & Social Security Trust Funds

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 28, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIR SAYS SHRINKING BUDGET SURPLUS THREATENS MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST FUNDS Conrad: Bush Tax Cut Jeopardizing Defense Needs & Other PrioritiesWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today said that the Bush tax cut is eating up so much of the projected budget surplus that it will likely force considerable raids on the Medicare and Social Security Tr… Continue Reading


Chairman Conrad Says New Economic Data Could Decrease Projected Budget Surplus

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 27, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIR SAYS NEW ECONOMIC DATA COULD DECREASE PROJECTED BUDGET SURPLUS Conrad: Bush Tax Cut Raises Likelihood of Medicare & Social Security Trust Fund RaidWashington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad today said economic performance from the first six months of the year could reduce the size of the nation's projected budget surplus. Conrad's remarks came as the Senate… Continue Reading


Conrad Introduces Bipartsan Legislation to Reform, Instead of Repeal, Estate Tax

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642SENATOR CONRAD INTRODUCES BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION TO REFORM, INSTEAD OF REPEAL, ESTATE TAX Bill Would Exempt Virtually All Family Farms and Small Businesses From Estate TaxWashington, DC ' Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Kent Conrad (D-ND) today introduced a bipartisan bill to reform, instead of repeal, the estate tax. Conrad's bill, co- sponsored by Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS), would exempt virtuall… Continue Reading


Senator Conrad Joins Farmers in Calling for Meaningful Estate Tax Reform

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 26, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642Senator Conrad Joins Farmers in Calling for Meaningful Estate Tax Reform Lawmaker Calls GOP Estate Tax Repeal Plan a 'snare and a delusion' which will increase taxes for farmersWashington, DC ' North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad, D-ND, today joined farmers from North Dakota and around the country in urging Congress to pass meaningful estate tax reform. Conrad stressed the importance of reform, noting that… Continue Reading


Bush Budget Underestimates Amount of Debt That Can Be Paid Down

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 22, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642BUSH BUDGET UNDERESTIMATES AMOUNT OF DEBT THAT CAN BE PAID DOWN Conrad Calls For More Aggressive Debt Reduction ProgramWashington, DC - Senator Kent Conrad, the senior Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee, today said the Bush Administration is underestimating the amount of debt that the government can pay down over the next 10 years. Conrad's remarks were made as the Senate Budget Committee held a he… Continue Reading


Conrad Urges Estate Tax Reform, Not Repeal

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 15, 2001Contact: Stu Nagurka or Steve Posner (202) 224-0642Conrad Urges Estate Tax Reform, Not Repeal North Dakota Lawmaker Wants Protections for Farmers & Small BusinessesWashington DC - North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad today called for estate tax reform so that the few estates that do have to pay the tax don’t have to sell the family farm or small business in order to meet their tax obligations. Conrad’s comments came during a Senate Finance subcommittee he… Continue Reading

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