Ranking Member Press
Murray Urges Senate to Build on Bipartisan Budget Deal, Support Critical Investments in Families, Communities, and National Security
(Washington, D.C.) - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) delivered remarks on the Senate floor in support of appropriations legislation that fills in the details of the Bipartisan Budget Act that Murray negotiated with House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) in December. Murray highlighted key investments in families and communities in Washington State and across the country, and called on Congress to pass the legislation and build on it by renewing emergency unemployme… Continue Reading
Murray Delivers Floor Speech Commemorating Lyndon Johnson’s “War On Poverty,” Calls On Congress To Keep Up The Fight
(Washington, D.C.) - Today, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) delivered remarks on the Senate floor commemorating the 50thanniversary of President Lyndon Johnson declaring a "War on Poverty." Murray explained that while progress has been made since President Johnson's declaration, Congress must continue to provide, and work to strengthen, the programs that give struggling Americans economic security and a chance to succeed. During the speech, Murray highlighted her first-ha… Continue Reading
Chairman Patty Murray’s Statement On Janet Yellen Confirmation To The Federal Reserve
U.S Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee released the following statement after Janet Yellen was confirmed by the Senate to lead the Federal Reserve. "I was proud to vote to confirm Janet Yellen to lead the Federal Reserve at a time when it is absolutely critical that everything possible is being done to boost the economy and create jobs. Dr. Yellen's outstanding qualifications and experience uniquely position her to lead this vital institution at this critical t… Continue Reading
Prior to passage, Murray spoke on the Senate floor, urging support for the bill (Washington, D.C.) - Today, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, the bipartisan compromise reached by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), passed the Senate by a vote of 64-36. The bill, which passed through the House of Representatives last week by a 332-94 majority, now heads to the President's desk for signature. Prior to Senate passage, Chairma… Continue Reading
Chairman Murray Urges Senate to Support Bipartisan Budget Act; Bill Heads to Final Passage
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) delivered remarks on the Senate floor urging the passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013. Murray called on members of the Senate to support the bipartisan compromise she reached with House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI). The bill cleared a key procedural hurdle by a vote of 67-33, and now heads for a final vote in the Senate. The House Of Representatives passed the bill last week by an overwhelming 332-94 majority. Since the … Continue Reading
Chairman Patty Murray's Statement on House Passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013
"We are now one step closer to a bipartisan budget that would prevent another crisis and roll back devastating cuts to education, medical research, and investments in economic growth. This compromise bill isn't what either side would have written on our own, but it is a strong step in the right direction and can hopefully serve as the foundation for continued bipartisan work. I commend Chairman Ryan and Ranking Member Van Hollen for their work moving this bill through the House, and I am confide… Continue Reading
Murray and Ryan Announce Bipartisan Budget-Conference Agreement
WASHINGTON, D.C.-Today, Senate Budget Committee chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced that they have reached a two-year budget agreement in advance of the budget conference's December 13th deadline. "I'm proud of this agreement," said Chairman Ryan. "It reduces the deficit-without raising taxes. And it cuts spending in a smarter way. It's a firm step in the right direction, and I ask all my colleagues in the House to support it." "This agre… Continue Reading
BUDGET CONFERENCE: Murray Delivers Speech on Senate Floor Calling for Compromise to Boost Economy, End Harmful Spending Cuts
(Washington, D.C.) -Today, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) delivered remarks on the Senate floor outlining her goals for the bipartisan budget conference, including creating jobs, replacing the irresponsible, across-the-board spending cuts, and setting budget levels for at least the short term. In the speech, Murray detailed how budget cuts have had negative consequences in Washington state and across the country. Murray called on members on both sides of the aisle to compro… Continue Reading
Budget Conference Committee: Opening Statement of Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray
Key Excerpts From Chairman Murray's Statement: "… I believe this bipartisan budget conference offers us the opportunity to rebuild some trust, find a path to compromise, and work together to create jobs and boost our fragile economy…I am hopeful we can at least show that bipartisanship is possible, that we can work together to solve some problems, and that we can break free from the gridlock and dysfunction that has dominated our nation's capital for far too long." "…I agr… Continue Reading
WASHINGTON D.C.-In advance of convening a conference on a budget resolution, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan released the following joint statement: "In the months ahead, we hope both sides can work together to grow the economy and tackle our debt responsibly. We recognize the many differences between the House and Senate budget resolutions and the challenges we face in reaching an agreement. But we want to find common ground and work … Continue Reading
Chairman Patty Murray's Statement on Bipartisan Deal to End the Shutdown, Avoid Default, and Begin a Budget Conference
Washington, D.C-Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), chairman of the Budget Committee, released the following statement after the bipartisan deal was announced that would end the government shutdown, allow the federal government to pay the bills it has already accrued, and begin the bipartisan budget conference that she's been trying to start for the past six months. "I am very glad that Republicans have agreed to end this completely unnecessary government shutdown, have taken the threat of… Continue Reading
Murray to Republicans: The Door is Open for Budget Negotiations - End the Crises and Walk In
Washington, D.C.-Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, spoke on the Senate floor to ask consent to begin a budget conference as soon as the government shutdown is allowed to end and the threat of default is lifted. This is the 21st attempt by Senate Democrats to begin a budget conference and kick off long-term budget negotiations. This latest attempt was blocked by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX). Excerpts from Murray's remarks "We are holding the door op… Continue Reading
Murray Calls for House Republicans to End Crises Then Join Democrats in Budget Conference
Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, spoke on the Senate floor to respond to the latest GOP gimmick idea to create a second supercommittee and to ask consent that the Senate move to a budget conference as soon as Republicans end the government shutdown and stop threatening the economy with a default. Senator Republicans blocked this request for a budget conference for the 20th time since the House and Senate passed their budgets at the end of March. … Continue Reading
Murray Calls on House to Avoid Government Shutdown, Pass a Clean Continuing Resolution
(Washington, D.C.) - Tonight, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) delivered remarks on the Senate floor to urge her colleagues in the House to drop their unacceptable demands and pass a clean, short-term spending measure to keep the government open. Murray highlighted that bipartisan budget negotiations have been blocked for months by Tea Party Republicans. Key Excerpts From Senator Murray's Speech: "I know many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle are deeply frustrated… Continue Reading
Chairman Patty Murray's Statement on Senate Passage of Government Funding Bill
Washington, D.C.-Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement after the Senate passed a bill that would prevent a government shutdown and fund the government at current spending levels through November 15th. "Now that the Senate has passed a clean short-term funding bill, the only thing that can cause a completely unnecessary government shutdown is another Tea Party temper tantrum in the House. House Republicans need to stop … Continue Reading
Murray Calls on House Republicans to End Partisan Brinkmanship, Pass Senate Continuing Resolution
(Washington, D.C.) - Today, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) delivered remarks on the Senate floor urging the passage of the Senate's continuing resolution. Murray highlighted the opportunities over the last few months that would have allowed for a focus on real challenges, rather than artificial crises manufactured by Tea Party Republicans. Murray called on House Republicans to leave the Tea Party brinkmanship behind, pass the Senate bill without any gimmicks or games when i… Continue Reading
ICYMI: Chairman Murray Holds Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Impact of Political Uncertainty on Jobs and the Economy
Yesterday, Chairman Murray and the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing to examine the ways that uncertainty in federal policymaking has impacted job creation and economic growth. "…Even though we've come a long way, there is still a lot we need to do to ensure American families recover from the impact of the Great Recession, and to ensure strong middle class growth and economic security in the future. Families across the country are focused on these issues. Here in Congress, we should … Continue Reading
Chairman Patty Murray's Statement on the Continuing Resolution to Avoid a Government Shutdown
Washington, D.C.-Today, U.S Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement on the Senate proceeding to a debate on the short-term funding bill that would prevent a government shutdown while negotiations continued on a long-term budget deal. "I am frustrated and disappointed that Republicans' refusal to come to the table on a long-term budget deal has pushed us to the precipice and forced us to take up yet another short-term bill to prevent… Continue Reading
MURRAY AT BUDGET HEARING: GOP Needs to Stand Up to Tea Party, End the Constant Crises
Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) and the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing on the Impact of Political Uncertainty on Jobs and the Economy. Witnesses included Dr. Mark Zandi, Chief Economist at Moody's Analytics; Dr. Chad Stone, Chief Economist at the Center on Budget and Policy; and Dr. Allan H. Meltzer, Professor of Political Economy at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. At the hearing, Murray examined how manufactured fiscal crises cause uncertainty in the economy, a… Continue Reading
Opening Statement of Chairman Patty Murray at the Senate Budget Committee Hearing: The Impact of Political Uncertainty on Jobs and the Economy
"This hearing will now come to order. "I would like to thank Ranking Member Senator Sessions, and all of my colleagues, for coming today. And I would also like to welcome and thank our witnesses, Dr. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, Dr. Chad Stone, chief economist at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and Dr. Allan Meltzer, professor of political economy at Carnegie Mellon University. "We are glad to have you all here to discuss the ways that uncertainty in federal po… Continue Reading