Chairman's Press


ICYMI: Chairman Murray Holds Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Containing Health Care Costs: Recent Progress and Remaining Challenges

Today, Chairman Murray and the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing about the recent encouraging news regarding health care spending trends and delivery system reforms, and discussed areas of further work that focus on aligning incentives and making the system more efficient, rather than simply shifting costs to seniors and families. "The cost of health care affects every kitchen table and conference table conversation in the United States, as American households and American businesses face t… Continue Reading


ICYMI: Chairman Murray Holds Senate Budget Committee Hearing on the Impact of Sequestration on the Economy and National Security

Today, Chairman Murray and the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing about the impact defense sequestration is having on national security, veterans, families and communities, "At a time when too many Americans are still struggling to find work, civilian defense employees are being furloughed, and small businesses are struggling to stay afloat, our economic recovery and our military preparedness is suffering." Chairman Murray said at the hearing today. "While I believe there are responsible… Continue Reading


Senate Budget Committee Marks 100 Days Since Senate Passed Budget with Animated Web Video “I’m Just a Budget”

Today, the Senate Budget Committee majority released an animated web video, "I'm Just a Budget," in which an animated singing budget explains why it's been 100 days since the Senate passed him and he still can't go to conference. Additional background here: LINK Web video "I'm Just a Budget" script: Budget is sitting on Capitol steps. Child approaches. Child: What's that crumpled up stack of papers? Budget: Oh me? I'm a budget resolution! The Senate spent hundreds of hours debating … Continue Reading


BACKGROUND: 100 Days Since the Senate Passed a Budget and Republicans Are Still Blocking the Bipartisan Budget Conference They Called For

FLASHBACK TO MARCH 23, 2013: The Senate Budget Passes, and Senate Republicans Praised The "Open" And "Full Debate" On The Senate Budget. Minority Leader McConnell Thanked Chairman Murray And Senator Sessions For Conducting "An Open And Complete And Full Debate." "I want to commend Senator Murray, Senator Sessions, and the majority leader for conducting an open and complete and full debate. I know everyone is exhausted, and people may not feel it at the moment, but this is one of the Senate's… Continue Reading


Senate Approves Nomination of Brian Deese as the Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget

The Senate confirmed the nomination of Brian Deese as the Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget by unanimous consent. After the confirmation, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement: "Brian knows firsthand how to create fiscal policies that work for middle class families and help our economy grow, and I am very glad that the Senate approved his nomination unanimously today. Brian possesses the experience, judgment, and strong unde… Continue Reading


ICYMI: Chairman Murray Holds Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Investing in our Future: The Impact of Federal Budget Decisions on Children

Photo Source: Tri-City Herald Today, Chairman Murray and the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing about the impact federal budget decisions have on our children. As Chairman Murray said in her opening statement, "…there's one group in particular whose voices are not often heard when it comes to the federal budget process-and that's our nation's children. They may not be walking the halls of Congress-or calling up their Senators-or strategizing with lobbyists about how to protect fundi… Continue Reading


Chairman Patty Murray Announces MyBudget Online Platform to Engage Public in Budget Process

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray released the following statement announcing the start of MyBudget, the committee's new online effort to engage members of the public in the federal budget process. MyBudget launched today at with a call for members of the public to share their stories, budget priorities, and ideas with the committee. It will be expanded with new tools and resources over the coming months as the Budget Committee writes a pro-growth… Continue Reading


Senate Budget Committee Approves Nomination of Deputy OMB Director Brian Deese in Bipartisan Vote

Chairman Murray and the Senate Budget Committee held a markup on the nomination of Brian Deese to the position of Deputy Director of OMB. The nomination passed through the Committee on a voice vote with strong bipartisan support and will now head to the Senate floor. Murray released the following statement following the vote: "Brian possesses the kind of experience, knowledge, and judgment necessary to succeed in this leadership position - and I am glad that his nomination was approved by t… Continue Reading


Broad Support for Balanced Approach that Puts Families, Seniors, and Communities First

Today, the Senate Budget Committee released the following excerpts from statements put out by some of the many organizations representing families, workers, seniors, and communities across the country that have expressed support for pro-growth Senate Budget that puts the economy first, tackles the deficit and debt responsibly, and keeps the promises made to seniors, veterans, families and communities. The Senate is expected to vote on the budget resolution later today. Center on Budget and Poli… Continue Reading


Senate Budget Committee Passes Pro-Growth Budget Plan, Resolution Heads to Senate Floor

Washington D.C.-Today, the Senate Budget Committee passed the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 by a vote of 12-10 with the support of all the Democrats and Independents on the Committee. The budget resolution now proceeds to the Senate floor. Chairman Patty Murray released the following statement following the vote: "The pro-growth budget plan we advanced today takes the balanced and responsible approach to our fiscal and economic challenges that the American people ex… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Set Spending Levels For 2013 and Budget Enforcement Through 2022

WASHINGTON, DC - Senate Democrats today set discretionary spending limits for fiscal year 2013 and budget enforcement levels for the Senate through 2022. The "deeming" resolution filed today by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) adheres to the reduced discretionary spending levels established in last summer's Budget Control Act. His action allows Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI) to proceed with drafting spending bills for fiscal year 2013, and ens… Continue Reading


Politico Op-Ed: GOP Budget Attacks Misguided

By Sen. Kent Conrad and Rep. Chris Van HollenRepublican reaction to the president's budget highlighted just how out of touch our colleagues across the aisle are when it comes to the nation's economy. They seem to be unaware of the economic disaster President Barack Obama inherited and oblivious to the recovery now under way. To fairly evaluate the president's budget, we must keep both in mind. When the president took his oath of office, we were in the midst of the worst recession since the Grea… Continue Reading


Sens. Levin and Conrad Introduce Cut Tax Loopholes Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Two Senate committee chairmen introduced legislation today to help reduce the budget deficit and pay for important priorities by closing tax loopholes. Sens. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, introduced the Cut Unjustified Tax Loopholes Act, or CUT Loopholes Act. The bill would crack down on offshore tax abuses, close tax … Continue Reading


Bipartisan Senate Budget Committee Leaders Submit Recommendations to Joint Select Committee

Washington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Ranking Member Jeff Sessions (R-AL) today submitted bipartisan recommendations to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. The two Budget Committee leaders urged the panel to strengthen the congressional budget process and to switch to a two-year, or biennial, budget cycle. "You don't need to be a budget expert to recognize that the current budget process in Congress is broken," said Chairman Conrad. "It has… Continue Reading


Conrad Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators to Encourage Joint Select Comm. to "Go Big" on Deficits

Chairman Kent Conrad joined 35 other senators today to support and encourage the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. A joint release from their press conference is below. You can also listen to an excerpt or read a transcript of Chairman Conrad's remarks at the press conference. WASHINGTON, DC - A bipartisan coalition of 36 U.S. Senators announced today that they will encourage and support the members of the congressional "super committee" in efforts to seek the broadest possible b… Continue Reading


Conrad Statement on Sarah Kuehl's Selection to be Dpty Staff Dir of Joint Select Cmte on Deficit Reduction

Washington, D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad released the following statement today on the selection of Sarah Kuehl, one of his long-time Budget Committee aides and an expert on health care policy and federal entitlement programs, to serve as Deputy Staff Director of the new Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. "Sarah Kuehl is an outstanding choice to serve as Deputy Staff Director of the Joint Committee. Sarah has an encyclopedic knowledge of federal entitlement pro… Continue Reading


Conrad Statement of Support for Higginbottom Nomination

"I intend to support the President's nomination of Heather Higginbottom to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Ms. Higginbottom is fully qualified for this position. Her service in the White House and the Senate has given her a broad knowledge of federal policy and the operations of the government. "Ms. Higginbottom was personally selected by Director Lew as the individual he wants as his deputy. I have a great deal of respect for Director Lew's judgement, so his selec… Continue Reading


Conrad Welcomes Bernanke Call for Action on Long-Term Debt

Washington, D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) today welcomed comments from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke calling for action on reducing the nation's long-term debt. In testimony before the Senate Budget Committee, Chairman Bernanke urged adoption of a long-term debt reduction plan, while cautioning against near-term actions that could harm the economic recovery. "It is widely understood that the federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path," said Chairm… Continue Reading


Conrad Supports Fiscal Commission Package

Washington, DC - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) today announced he supports the far-reaching debt reduction package produced by the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. While noting he did not favor every provision in the plan, Conrad - a member of the Commission - cited the urgency of adopting a bipartisan package to avert a national fiscal crisis."This is a moment of truth," said Chairman Conrad. "The nation is headed for a fiscal cliff. We … Continue Reading


Conrad Opts to Keep Budget Committee Chair

Washington, DC - After consulting constituents across North Dakota and colleagues in the U.S. Senate, Senator Kent Conrad announced today that he will retain his leadership position as Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and stay as a senior member of the Senate Agriculture Committee. "After many conversations with constituents, ag leaders and Senate colleagues, it is clear that the people of North Dakota are best served with me remaining the Chairman of the Budget Committee," S… Continue Reading

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