

Statement from Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Graham on Manchin-Schumer Proposal

WASHINGTON - Today Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement after Senator Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) appeared on five Sunday shows to tout the Democrats' tax and spending proposal. "After five TV appearances this Sunday by Senator Manchin, it is clear to me that he doesn't understand how the Manchin-Schumer proposal works. To suggest that tax increases and new government spending in the name of climate change won't add to inflation is, at b… Continue Reading


Graham to Manchin: “It’s Never Too Late to Do the Right Thing”

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on analysis from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business Budget Model on the effect the Democrats' Reckless Tax and Spend bill would have on inflation. "Joe Manchin used to believe in the Penn Wharton Budget Model regarding economic projections and analysis. As the Wharton School indicated in their most recent analysis, the so-called 'Inflation Reduction Act' woul… Continue Reading


Graham to CBO: Given Current State of Economy, Evaluate Damage Dems’ Updated Reckless Tax and Spend Bill Could Cause

WASHINGTON - Last night, Congressional Democrats revealed an updated version of their so-called "Build Back Better" legislation. Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today asked the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) about the current fragile state of our nation's economy and the potential impact of this latest Reckless Tax and Spend bill. Graham wrote: "The American people and Members of Congress deserve more information before moving forward with this reckle… Continue Reading


Graham Statement on Manchin-Schumer Reconciliation Agreement

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on Senator Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) reaching an agreement with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) on a reconciliation bill that includes climate change policy and more taxes. "I can't believe that Senator Manchin is agreeing to a massive tax increase in the name of climate change when our economy is in a recession. "I hope that common sense will eventually win the… Continue Reading


Graham Statement on CBO, JCT Confirming True Cost of Dems’ Obamacare Subsidy Expansion

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) showing Democrats' proposal to significantly expand Obamacare tax subsidies would add billions of dollars to the federal deficit to the benefit of wealthy Americans. "The true cost of expanding the Obamacare subsidies is almost $250 billion when you exclude the budget gimmicks. "Senator M… Continue Reading


CBO, JCT Confirm Dems’ Obamacare Subsidy Expansion Would Cost Billions More than Previously Claimed

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) released analysis showing Democrats' proposal to significantly expand Obamacare tax subsidies would add billions of dollars to the federal deficit to the benefit of wealthy Americans. The analysis was in response to a letter requesting the true cost of an expansion of premium tax credits (PTC) sent by Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pen… Continue Reading


Graham On Inflation: “Very Sad Day For Americans Struggling To Make Ends Meet”

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on annual inflation hitting 9.1 percent. "Record high inflation is not just a number from a government agency. Inflation is about a deteriorating quality of life for everyday working people in South Carolina and across the United States. "Today's shocking number represents families struggling to buy gas, pay for food, and deal with the uncertainties of life. Every cost in the family … Continue Reading


Graham: Raising Taxes on the Verge of a Recession Makes Zero Sense

WASHINGTON - Today, Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement as Senate Democrats continue to negotiate on a partisan reconciliation bill. "The Democrats' latest Hail Mary on reconciliation does not pass the smell test. "Raising taxes while we stand on the verge of a recession makes zero sense. Democratic tax hikes will be passed on to consumers and only add to the problems Americans face with raging inflation. "The people proposing these new… Continue Reading


Graham: Biden Defense Budget “Woefully Inadequate”

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today commented on President Biden's fiscal year 2023 defense budget request. Graham questioned Navy and Marine Corps leadership on President Biden's fiscal year 2023 Navy and Marine Corps funding request and budget justification as a member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. GRAHAM: "The number one job of this Congress is to defend the nation and these budgets are woefully inadequate to… Continue Reading


Graham: Budget Agency Projects Dim Future If Nothing Changes

WASHINGTON - Today, Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) reacted to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Budget and Economic Outlook: 2022-2032. Click HERE to read Fast Facts on CBO's analysis. "CBO's budget analysis of the coming decade in terms of national debt to GDP and interest on the debt is devastating and catastrophic. It can only be solved by both parties working together. "The looming debt to GDP, projected to hit 110 percent by 2032, will crush … Continue Reading


CBO Budget and Economic Outlook Fast Facts

WASHINGTON - Today the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2022-2032. This new report contains CBO's projections about how the budget and economy will look under existing laws for the next decade. FAST FACTS on the CBO Budget and Economic Outlook: Record debt will only get worse. By 2032, debt held by the public will be 110% of gross domestic product (GDP), which will be higher than any point in our nation's history. By 2052, CBO projects public debt w… Continue Reading


Graham: If Democrats Think “Medicare for All” Is So Great, Why Not Vote On It?

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today participated in a hearing Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) called to discuss the budgetary effects of his "Medicare for All" proposal. GRAHAM: "Medicare for All really becomes Medicare for Nobody over time." https://youtu.be/8Yb5MC3eGC4?t=174 GRAHAM: "You have control of the Senate floor. I welcome a vote on Medicare for All on the floor of the United States Senate this year… If not, why… Continue Reading


Correct the Record: “Medicare for All” Means Medicare for None

WASHINGTON - Democrats have consolidated power in Washington and the world is on fire. Instead of taking responsibility for their poor policy choices, Democrats are intent on spending more and saving less. This latest push from liberal Democrats on so-called "Medicare for All" would mean the end of private health insurance, higher taxes and delays in care. Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) interpreted a Mercatus Center study, saying that it shows $2 trillion in savings over a decade. The … Continue Reading


Graham on Record High Inflation

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today made this statement on inflation hitting 8.5 percent in March. "Just when you think it can't get worse, it does. Biden inflation is at record levels and Americans are suffering. Fuel prices are up. Prices at the grocery store have skyrocketed. The price of just about everything in America is going up at a record rate and hitting regular working individuals and families hard. Biden's policies are failing … Continue Reading


Graham on the Biden Budget: More Spending, More Taxes, More Debt

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today gave an opening statement and questioned Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shalanda Young on President Joe Biden's fiscal year 2023 budget request. On The Inadequate Biden Defense Budget: GRAHAM: "The budget regarding the defense needs of this country is woefully inadequate and dangerous. When you look at over the next decade how much we spend on defense you have to ask yourself, the thr… Continue Reading


President Biden’s FY23 Budget Fast Facts

WASHINGTON - On March 28, 2022, President Biden released his fiscal year (FY) 2023 budget request. The Biden Budget is more of the same: "Shell games and budget gimmicks" to hide the fact that his plans are costly, unpopular and unrealistic. FAST FACTS on the FY 23 Biden Budget: The Biden Budget is not serious about deficit reduction. In reality, it takes credit for near-term deficit reduction because emergency COVID-19 spending is going to end soon. President Biden's partisan ARP legislatio… Continue Reading


Graham Questions OMB Nominees During Senate Budget Committee Hearing

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today questioned nominees to be Director and Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Shalanda Young and Nani Coloretti. GRAHAM: "When do you expect that we will get the next [Presidential] budget?" SHALANDA YOUNG: "As you know Senator the State of the Union is March 1. It is typical that the State of the Union would lead into a budget. So that is certainly our expectatio… Continue Reading


Statement from Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Graham

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today issued a statement after U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) announced his decision not to support the Democrats' Reckless Tax and Spend bill, citing recent analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). "I very much appreciate Senator Manchin's decision not to support Build Back Better, which stems from his understanding of the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the bill… Continue Reading


Graham: Democrats Misleading American People on True Cost of Reckless Tax and Spend Bill

WASHINGTON - Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today held a press conference with House Budget Committee Ranking Member Jason Smith (R-Missouri) to discuss the Democrats' Reckless Tax and Spend bill. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirmed the true cost of the bill is $4.9 trillion, and it adds $3 trillion in new debt. On budget gimmicks: GRAHAM: "If you really don't want to vote for a bill that adds to the deficit, then you can't vote for Buil… Continue Reading


In Case You Missed It: “‘Fully Paid For’ Is the Lie of the Year”

WASHINGTON - While the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats continue to haggle over the size of their Reckless Tax and Spend bill, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) told Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) that without budget gimmicks, the legislation costs $4.9 trillion and adds $3 trillion in new debt. The Wall Street Journal, Editorial: Real Cost of Biden's Spending Plan "Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer reacted furious… Continue Reading

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