

Enzi: America’s Fiscal Path is Unsustainable

WASHINGTON, D.C. - During a speech on the floor of the Senate, Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) continued to raise alarm bells that America's current fiscal course is unsustainable. Enzi noted that in the first 11 months of the fiscal year, federal revenue increased by 3 percent compared to the same period last year, while spending increased by 7 percent. "The threat of a fiscal crisis is not something anyone should take lightly. As a father and grandfather, this is a concern that ke… Continue Reading


Survey Finds 53 Percent of Likely Voters Oppose Pension Bailout


A national survey of likely voters found a majority of them oppose a taxpayer-funded bailout of ailing union pension plans approved earlier this year by the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives. "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 53 percent of likely U.S. voters oppose a taxpayer bailout of underfunded union pension funds," the survey firm said Sept. 14. "Just 26 percent support a pension bailout. A sizable 21 percent are undecided." Am… Continue Reading


CBO: Proposed Bailout of Failing Union Pensions Funds Will Not Work, as Loans Will Go Unpaid


READ the CBO Estimate HERE WASHINGTON-Dozens of seriously under-funded trade union pension plans will not repay millions of dollars in tax-funded government loans intended to help them regain financial integrity and pay promised benefits, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). "CBO projects that about one-quarter of the affected pension plans would become insolvent in the 30-year loan period and would not fully repay their loans," the congressional agency told Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wy… Continue Reading


CBO: Union pensions still facing insolvency under rescue bill

by Doug Sword

READ the CBO Estimate HERE A labor-backed pension rescue measure pushed by House and Senate Democrats would only delay the projected insolvency of some ailing union retirement plans, according to new Congressional Budget Office estimates released at Senate Budget Chairman Michael B. Enzi's request. The bill (HR 397) passed the House 264-169 in July with 29 Republicans joining a unified Democratic caucus. But top Republicans like Ways and Means ranking member Kevin Bradyof Texas and Education a… Continue Reading


A first step toward budget process reform


The problems with budgeting in the United States are so well-established that one might say the dysfunction has become a feature, not a bug. Legislators do not budget according to any rules - at least not since the mid-1990s. The way the current process is supposed to work - budget, then authorize then appropriate - was established in the 1974 Budget Act, legislation that arose out of a standoff between President Nixon and Congress over the former's overuse of impoundment power to withhold fund… Continue Reading


Editorial misleads on tax cuts, federal budget woes

by Sen. Mike Enzi

A recent editorial ("Our View: Deficit would be zero if not for tax cuts," Aug. 11) criticizing tax relief for American families and job creators makes a number of misleading assertions and glosses over uncomfortable facts that we as a nation must confront. Our country is on an unsustainable fiscal course, but this situation did not arise overnight or as result of the 2017 tax reform, which reduced the taxes for workers in every income bracket on average. In fact, last week the nonpartisan Con… Continue Reading


Sen. Enzi: Editorial misleads on tax cuts, federal budget woes

by Sen. Mike Enzi

The problem stems from an aging population and rising health care costs - not from the 2017 tax reform. BY MIKE ENZI SPECIAL TO THE PRESS HERALD A recent editorial ("Our View: Deficit would be zero if not for tax cuts," Aug. 11) criticizing tax relief for American families and job creators makes a number of misleading assertions and glosses over uncomfortable facts that we as a nation must confront. Our country is on an unsustainable fiscal course, but this situation d… Continue Reading


Pursuing Budget Process Reform

by Gordon Gray

Eakinomics: Pursuing Budget Process ReformGuest authored by Gordon Gray, Director of Fiscal Policy at AAF When President Trump signed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 into law on August 2nd, Congress officially cleared the decks of much of its must-do legislating for the next 2 years. Given the dim prospects of serious policymaking during a presidential campaign, perhaps this 2-year agreement is just a practical necessity. But not all policymakers are resigned to meaningless "messaging." Sena… Continue Reading


Enzi: Growth in Spending Continues to Outpace Revenue

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) today said it is clear the nation has a spending problem as a recent report shows once again that high levels of federal spending continue to outpace revenue. A new report from the Department of Treasury showed that year-to-date revenues were up 3.4 percent, while spending rose 8 percent compared to the same period last year. "We clearly have a spending problem. The rate of growth in federal spending is not sustainable," said… Continue Reading


Senator Enzi Restarts the Discussion on Budget Reform

by Demian Brady

The problems with the current budget process are legion. The timetables established in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 are rarely met, resulting in government shutdowns, omnibus budget bills, and, with the exception of a handful of years, annual deficit spending. The abomination known as the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 is the latest illustration of how bad the budgeting process is in Congress. One of its many serious flaws is that it eliminated the remaining two years of caps on discret… Continue Reading


Congress Should Move Forward on Budget Process Reform

by Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

Last week, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) released a series of discussion drafts with proposals to reform the federal budget process. The following is a statement from Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. So far, this year has featured the longest government shutdown in history and a massive unpaid-for spending increase but no budget resolution passed by either chamber. If it wasn't clear before, it should be now - the federal budget p… Continue Reading


Senator Enzi “Troubled” by Delays and Cost Overruns of NASA Programs

by Andrew Parsonson

The chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Mike Enzi has expressed concern that several NASA programs have suffered severe delays and cost overruns. In open letter to NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine dated July 30, the Senator from Wyoming expressed concern that cost overruns and delays of NASA programs "could jeopardize futures missions." The senator cited a May 2019 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) that detailed the statuses of agency's current portfolio of 2… Continue Reading


Senator criticizes cost and schedule issues with NASA programs

by Jeff Foust

Updated 12:30 p.m. Eastern Aug. 4 with response from Bridenstine. WASHINGTON - The chairman of a key Senate committee said he's "troubled" by cost and schedule growth on major NASA programs and is asking the agency for more information on their status. Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said Aug. 1 he sent a two-page letter to NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine July 30 expressing his concern about cost and schedule performance on a number of major programs, citin… Continue Reading


Senate Budget Chair Unveils Plan to Overhaul Congress’s Broken Budget Process

by Yuval Rosenberg

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY), who is retiring after his term ends in 2020, this week unveiled a set of proposals to reform the congressional budget process - among them, remaking the committee he now leads into a Fiscal Control Committee that would include the heads of the appropriations and finance committees as nonvoting members if they are not already voting members. "We can all agree that the current budget and spending system has broken down," Enzi said. "I am hopeful … Continue Reading


Senate budget chair takes NASA to task on SLS, Webb setbacks


BUDGET CHAIR: SLS, WEBB TELESCOPE 'RISK VITAL NASA MISSIONS.' Sen. Mike Enzi, the Wyoming Republican who chairs the Senate Budget Committee, told NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine this week he is "troubled" by cost overruns and delays on several major NASA programs that "put at risk vital NASA missions and taxpayer dollars." The two main culprits, of course: Boeing's Space Launch System rocket, which is nearly two years behind schedule, and the Northrop Grumman-managed James Webb Space Telescop… Continue Reading


Enzi Questions NASA on Ballooning Costs for Major Space Programs

CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST UPDATE WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) this week questioned the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) over continued reports of cost growth and schedule delays in the agency's major projects. Enzi was particularly concerned that the cost and schedule performance of the projects "continues to deteriorate," according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). "I am troubled by continued reports of cost growth an… Continue Reading


Enzi Questions NASA on Ballooning Costs for Major Space Programs

CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST UPDATE WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) this week questioned the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) over continued reports of cost growth and schedule delays in the agency's major projects. Enzi was particularly concerned that the cost and schedule performance of the projects "continues to deteriorate," according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO). "I am troubled by continued reports of cost growth and… Continue Reading


Senate Budget Chair Proposes Major Changes To Budget Process

by Alec Larson

The plan includes, among other things, increasing the debt ceiling every two years. On Tuesday, outgoing Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi released a list of proposals he says will overhaul the budget process. Enzi's plan involves, among other things, making changes to the Senate Budget Committee itself. It would rename it the "Fiscal Control Committee" and would add the chairmen and ranking members of the appropriations and finance committees. Another major point of Enzi's plan… Continue Reading


Enzi Releases Ideas to Fix Broken Congressional Budget and Spending Process

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) today released several proposals to fix America's broken budget and spending process gleaned from hearings and meetings with members of Congress, state officials, the administration, and stakeholder groups. Enzi noted the proposals reflect suggestions from members of both sides of the aisle and from groups that span the political spectrum. He said these ideas are rooted in fixing our broken budget and spending process, and are … Continue Reading


Enzi shares plans for revamping budget process

by Paul Krawzak

Senate Budget Chairman Michael B. Enzi unveiled a sweeping proposal Tuesday to overhaul the budget process at what could be an opportune time. With the 2011-era discretionary spending caps set to expire in fiscal 2021 and annual deficits soon projected to top $1 trillion a year, Congress could be more open than usual to ways to revamp the budget process. Enzi, R-Wyo., has written four draft bills aimed at tightening fiscal controls, strengthening budget enforcement, commissioning additional s… Continue Reading

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