

Budget Cmte. Ranking Member Announces Opposition To Jack Lew Nomination

"Jack Lew must never be Secretary of the Treasury. His testimony before the Senate Budget Committee less than two years ago was so outrageous and false that it alone disqualifies… He is also the architect of two of the worst budgets in American history, both of which received zero votes in the Senate… For me, no mea culpa, no excuse, can erase the errors of Mr. Lew… We need a Secretary of Treasury that the American people, the Congress, and the world will know is up to the… Continue Reading


Sessions Welcomes New Members To Budget Committee

WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today as committee assignments were announced for the 113th Congress: "I am thrilled with the strong Republican membership we have on the Budget Committee and grateful for their support. I look forward to working with my colleagues to tackle our nation's most pressing problem: the rapid accumulation of debt driven by massive government spending. Only by reforming government a… Continue Reading


Sessions Comments On Voting To Avoid Fiscal Cliff, Prevent Tax Increases

WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement tonight about the vote on legislation to prevent the fiscal cliff by avoiding large tax increases as well as making permanent the temporary tax relief passed in 2001 and 2003: "This legislation is necessary to prevent a large and painful tax increase from falling on the vast majority of Americans. Its enactment will end a long period of uncertainty that would weaken or even r… Continue Reading


Sessions Comments On Status Of Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement tonight about the status of negotiations to resolve the fiscal cliff: "No deal has been produced and no agreement has yet been reached that Congress could vote on, much less one that could be scored by CBO or scrutinized by the American people. The biggest obstacle we face is that President Obama and Majority Leader Reid continue to insist on new taxes that will be used to f… Continue Reading


Issue 4: History Of Deficit-Neutral Amendments In SBC Markups


Sessions Discusses USDA’s Effort To Expand Food Stamp Enrollment Regardless Of Financial Need

"In some of our first inquiries in examination of their program, we find that they are on a determined effort to expand the number of people who get on welfare-on food stamps-even if they don't want to be on food stamps… Is this the right approach for America? … Can't we look back to the principles of independence and individual responsibility and individual pride that Americans have, and nurture that and use that as a way to help reduce dependence in this country?" WASHINGTON-U.S… Continue Reading


The ‘Welfare Cliff’: How The Benefit Scale Discourages Work

Welfare spending is now the largest item in the budget-and will continue to grow every year. According to data from the Congressional Research Service, total spending on means-tested poverty programs in FY2011 was around $1 trillion, more than was spent on Social Security, Medicare, or defense. CRS data also reveals that spending on these programs is likely to increase by another 30 percent over the next four years. The dramatic rise in welfare spending has created a "welfare cliff." As mo… Continue Reading


Sessions Comments On New CBO Deficit Report

"President Obama talks a lot about a 'balanced plan' for deficit reduction, but there is one simple question the White House won't answer: how do you plan to balance the budget?" WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today about a new report from the Congressional Budget Office that shows that the deficit for just the first two months of FY 2013 has already hit $292 billion-a shocking $57 billion higher than the … Continue Reading


Total Welfare Spending Equates To $168 Per Day For Every Household In Poverty

Based on data from the Congressional Research Service, cumulative spending on means-tested federal welfare programs, if converted into cash, would equal $167.65 per day per household living below the poverty level. By comparison, the median household income in 2011 of $50,054 equals $137.13 per day. Additionally, spending on federal welfare benefits, if converted into cash payments, equals enough to provide $30.60 per hour, 40 hours per week, to each household living below poverty. The median ho… Continue Reading


Issue 3: That Other Sequester


Sessions, Thune Raise Concern Over Abuse Of SNAP Benefits By Paid Government Volunteers

WASHINGTON-Senators Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, and John Thune (R-SD), Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, today sent a letter to Wendy Spencer, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), a government entity responsible for matching volunteers with local community service organizations. The letter outlines Sessions and Thune's concerns that current CNCS policies and promotional materials may encourage t… Continue Reading


Sessions: President’s Secret Cliff ‘Plan’ Has Over $1T In New Spending; Fed Debt Would Rise $9T Overall

"There is a reason why the White House strongly prefers to operate in secrecy... If the White House believes our analysts are mistaken, the Budget Committee is standing by to review any concrete financial plan the President wishes to produce." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today about comments made by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner regarding President Obama's fiscal cliff "plan": "Secretary Geithner's … Continue Reading


Sessions: There Is No Obama-Geithner Plan

"Until this fantasy 'plan' from a secret meeting is made public and scored by the Congressional Budget Office it does not exist… It is a distraction that allows the White House to continue to run out the clock so it can have maximal leverage to force through a bad deal in the last minutes before midnight." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today following news reports about an alleged fiscal 'plan' off… Continue Reading


Sessions Delivers Remarks On Folly Of Secret Fiscal Negotiations

"Insofar as I can see, a tax-and-spend policy remains [President Obama's] goal today. The White House isn't planning to raise taxes to reduce the deficit, but to grow the government. I don't believe Congress will accept such a deal if that is what is being discussed… Shouldn't the President of the United States, the only person who represents everybody in the country, lay out his plan, or must that remain a secret too? Will it just be revealed to us on the eve of Christmas or eve of the … Continue Reading


Sessions Comments On Senate Sustaining Point Of Order On Tester Bill

WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today after the Senate voted to uphold a budget point of order he raised against the sportsmen's bill, which violated budget levels agreed to by Congress and the President: "I'm pleased my colleagues agreed that the Senate should abide by the allocations from the Budget Control Act, passed and signed into law just 15 months ago. I supported the good policy goals of the sports… Continue Reading


Sessions Corrects Reid, Durbin: Treasury Borrows Money To Repay Social Security So It Can Pay Recipients

"While Social Security trustees can correctly say that the money they loaned to the Treasury is theirs to draw upon, the Treasury-already in debt and without reserves-cannot deny that it is right now borrowing money from the United States and the world to pay that obligation." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today about inaccurate remarks made recently by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL)… Continue Reading


Sessions: DHS Must Remove Welfare Promotions For New Immigrants

"Federal law prohibits the granting of visas to those likely to be welfare reliant, yet DHS actively promotes these benefits to millions of new arrivals every year. DHS knows this, which is perhaps why they refuse to comply with an oversight request on this very issue from the Ranking Members of four Senate Committees… DHS should remove any sections of its website, and any portions of its materials for new arrivals, that promote or encourage welfare reliance." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff… Continue Reading


Sessions Rebukes Secret Fiscal Cliff Talks; Warns Against 11th Hour Deal That Bypasses American People

"Secrecy cements the status quo: more spending, more debt, more runaway government. It is the enemy of accountability, change, and reform… That is why I am calling upon our leaders to guarantee that any plan to avert the fiscal cliff has one full week on the Senate floor with open amendment and debate." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today cautioning that any plan to avert the fiscal cliff that is … Continue Reading


Ranking Member Sessions Congratulates Murray On Chairmanship; Calls For Action On Budget

"I hope to work with Senator Murray to find common ground… The Senate is supposed to be the world's great deliberative body… Enough secret meetings and last-minute backroom deals. The Budget Committee should do its job, as the law requires, in the full, open, and public light of day. I hope Senator Murray will make that commitment." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today about the announcement … Continue Reading


Sessions Reacts To President On Fiscal Cliff, Stresses Importance Of Welfare Reform In Fixing Entitlements

"Real entitlement reform requires welfare reform. A modest reduction in growth, along with improved standards and work requirements, can produce substantial savings and ensure resources are targeted to those in need." WASHINGTON-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, issued the following statement today in response to comments by President Obama regarding the upcoming "fiscal cliff": "I was pleased to hear the President's call for budget ideas from bo… Continue Reading

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