Ranking Member Press

June 2011
Obama's FY2012 Budget: A Failure of Leadership
HBC & SBC Republican Summary of President's FY2012 Budget
Sessions: President's Budget 'A Blueprint For Losing The Future'
As Economic Challenges Grow, Sessions Looks Back At Reagan Legacy On Role Of Government
Under President Obama’s Spending “Freeze,” Debt Will Grow $4 Trillion In 5 Years
Experts And The Public Agree: Democrat Health Care Plan Adds To Deficit
Sessions: With Budget Proposal, President’s Deficit Credibility At Stake
Sessions Calls For Action As Deficit Projection Worsens
Sessions Reacts To State Of The Union: President In 'Denial' On Spending
Sessions Delivers Opening Remarks At First Budget Hearing Of 112th Congress
With Economic Recovery Weakest In Modern History, Senate Democrats Deny Country Much-Needed Budget
By The Numbers: As Senate Democrats Ignore Budget, Debt Surges And Economy Suffers
Responding to Grim Job Stats, Sessions Highlights Need for Budget, Spending Control
Sessions Remarks On Majority Leader Reid’s Decision To Duck Adjournment Vote
GOP Senators Tell Reid: No Budget, No Recess
Sessions: "Shameful Display" From Reid, Senate Dem Leaders On Budget
May 2011
With Committee Markup Possible Next Week, Sessions Says Nation Can’t Afford A Closed Process
Sessions Renews Call for Honest Budget As Committee Analysis Debunks President’s Deficit Claims
As Markup Nears, Republicans Appeal To Conrad Not To Conceal Budget Plan From Public, Members
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