Ranking Member Press

May 2012
Sessions: By Refusing To Offer Budget Plan, Senate Majority Endorses Nation’s Current Dangerous Financial Direction
April 2012
Sessions: Exactly Three Years Since Senate Majority Last Adopted A Budget
Sessions Comments On Senate Waiving Budget Rules To Increase Debt
Sessions To Raise Point Of Order Against Postal Bill For Spending Billions More Than Debt Limit Agreement Allowed
Sessions Says President Must Impose Disciplined Management On Dysfunctional Government
Sessions Issues Opening Statement At Budget Committee ‘Mark-Up’
Sessions Responds To Last-Minute Cancellation Of Planned Senate Budget Mark-Up And Votes
Sessions Issues Statement On Conrad’s Planned Mark-Up, Reid’s Decision To Block Budget From Floor
Sessions Responds To President’s Budget Speech, $17 Trillion In New Health Law Obligations
March 2012
Sessions: Health Law’s Unfunded Obligations More Than Double That Of Social Security
Sessions Contrasts House, Senate Budget Action; Says Reid ‘Determined To Avoid’ Votes On Health Law
Sessions Issues Statement On 2nd Anniversary Of President’s Health Law
Sessions: A Senate Republican Majority Would Pass A Budget
Sessions’ Remarks At House Press Conference Unveiling Their FY13 Budget Plan
Sessions Calls Out Schumer, Dem Leaders For Brazen Political Ploys
Sessions Comments On CBO Revelation Of Growing Price Tag For President’s Health Law
As Deadline Nears, Budget Republicans Urge Prompt Scheduling Of Mark-up
Ahead Of Budget Mark-Up, Sessions And Johnson Call For Hearing With Sebelius Over New Health Law Revelations
Sessions Responds To President’s News Conference: POTUS ‘Oddly Disconnected’ From Suffering Economy, Finances
Sessions, Ryan: President Defying Law Requiring Action On Medicare
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