
Biden Blows Past Budget Deadline for Four Years Running

WASHINGTON – Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today issued the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s failure to submit a budget proposal to Congress by the first Monday in February for the fourth year in a row:

“President Biden has achieved a perfect score for fiscal tardiness. For four years running, this president has been unable to muster a budget proposal by the time the law says it’s due. 

“In the meantime, President Biden has pushed reckless spending that’s fueled the fires of inflation and driven our nation further into debt. This is not the mark of a serious leader.

“Congress also needs to take a lesson on timeliness, but we shouldn’t look to the president or Majority Leader Schumer for inspiration. For the first time in five years, Senate appropriators advanced all 12 spending bills out of committee – but most ended up collecting dust on Schumer’s desk. We now find ourselves in a loop of continuing resolutions, hurtling toward another government funding deadline. To the president and my congressional colleagues: let’s get serious and get to work.” 

As ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, Grassley has consistently advocated for a return to regular order in the appropriations process and called on President Biden and Senate Democrats to work with Republicans to restore fiscal sanity
